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The Ultimate Moab Hiking Guide: Trails for Every Skill Level

The Ultimate Moab Hiking Guide: Trails for Every Skill Level

Moab, Utah is a hiker’s paradise, offering a diverse range of trails that showcase the region’s stunning red rock landscapes, towering sandstone arches, and breathtaking canyon views. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker seeking a challenge or a casual trekker searching for a leisurely stroll, Moab has something for everyone. In this ultimate Moab hiking guide, we’ll explore trails for every skill level, ensuring that you find the perfect adventure during your visit.


Park Avenue Trail, Arches National Park (Distance: 2 miles round trip)
This relatively flat and easy trail takes you through the iconic Park Avenue section of Arches National Park. Marvel at the towering sandstone walls and enjoy stunning views of the surrounding landscape.

Grandstaff Canyon Trail (Distance: 4.8 miles round trip)
A family-friendly hike along a perennial stream, Grandstaff Canyon Trail leads to Morning Glory Arch, one of the area’s most impressive natural bridges. This trail provides plenty of shade and opportunities to spot wildlife.

Moderate Trails:

Delicate Arch Trail, Arches National Park (Distance: 3 miles round trip)
Arguably the most famous hike in Moab, the Delicate Arch Trail rewards hikers with an up-close view of the iconic Delicate Arch. The moderately strenuous trail includes some steep inclines and slickrock sections, but the payoff is well worth the effort.

Corona Arch Trail (Distance: 3 miles round trip)
The Corona Arch Trail offers a moderate hike to the spectacular Corona Arch, a lesser-known but equally impressive sandstone arch. The trail includes some ladder climbing and cable-assisted sections, adding a touch of adventure to the experience.

Challenging Trails:

Primitive Loop Trail, Arches National Park (Distance: 7.2 miles round trip)
For experienced hikers seeking a challenge, the Primitive Loop Trail in the Devils Garden area of Arches National Park offers a full day of adventure. This trail takes you past numerous arches, including Landscape Arch and Double O Arch, and requires navigating steep and uneven terrain.

Syncline Loop Trail, Canyonlands National Park (Distance: 8.3 miles round trip)
The Syncline Loop Trail is a challenging but rewarding hike that circumnavigates the Upheaval Dome in Canyonlands National Park. Expect steep climbs, rocky sections, and route finding as you traverse this rugged landscape and enjoy stunning canyon views.

Hiking Tips:

  • Always carry enough water, as sources can be scarce in the desert. Aim for at least one gallon per person per day.
  • Wear sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses to protect yourself from the intense desert sun.
  • Start your hikes early in the morning or late afternoon to avoid the hottest part of the day.
  • Wear sturdy, comfortable footwear with good grip, as trails can be rocky and slippery.
  • Check the weather forecast before you set out, and be prepared for sudden changes in temperature or precipitation.
  • Respect the environment by staying on designated trails, packing out trash, and not disturbing plants or wildlife.

Moab’s incredible array of hiking trails caters to all skill levels and offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the area’s spectacular natural beauty. With this ultimate Moab hiking guide in hand, you’re ready to lace up your hiking boots and embark on unforgettable outdoor adventures.


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