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Hello visitors!

We want to ensure you have the best experience when browsing through our calendar of events. That’s why we’d like to inform you that our website’s calendar offers multiple viewing options to suit your preferences.

By default, the calendar is set to “List” view, but you can easily switch to “Month”, “Week”, “Day”, or “Map” view with just a few clicks. We’ve included some visuals below to help guide you through the process of changing your calendar view.



Additionally, if you’re searching for a specific event, location, or keyword, don’t forget to utilize our handy “Search” function found within the calendar. This tool makes it easy for you to find exactly what you’re looking for, so you can plan your visit to Moab and truly enjoy all that our beautiful area has to offer.

We hope these features enhance your experience on and make it even easier for you to find exciting events and activities during your stay in Moab!


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